3G Americas, a group that represents the GSM technologies in the Americas, announced that the GSM/UMTS services gained more than 564.6 million customers worldwide between June 2006 and June 2007. According to Informa’s World Cellular Information Service, more than 100 millions of the new subscribers are from the Western Hemisphere, meaning that the GSM/UMTS technology attracted here more new customers than any other
More than 2.581 million worldwide subscribers use the GSM technology at the moment, making it the leading industry standard for wireless voice communication. Furthermore, the GSM technology has an important role in 3G, because more than 65% of the 3G users across the globe (estimated at around 200 millions) rely on the UMTS/HSPA technology. 181 UMTS operators are currently in service across the globe, with 72 additional networks in deployment, in trial or in planning.